2. Yell something random, out loud: "NYA-HA!"
3. Do you play an instrument? Nope =,=" But I'm taking Guitar lessons next year! Mwah-ha!
4. What's your full name? Eskän Aporro (and here is where I do not say my last name! :P Me no likey internet stalkers!)
5. What do you think of blogger? It's amazing like all mah followers! >:) Nya-ha!
6. What do you think of this tag? Perty Cool >:) Nya-ha
7. What's your opinion on Christian rock bands? Some of them are really cool ( this includes Pillar and Skillet, Nya-ha, me luffs dem!), others really aren't...
8. If you answered yes on #3 have you ever messed up while playing in front of people? No, but I walk into doors, story of my life :)
9. What's something that you've always wanted to do but haven't? Go to Japan!... And marry Sasuke =,="
10. How many bloggers do you know in real life? Olive Tree, Rachel Ann, Crowning Laurel, E, Elránia Undómiel, •The Cornet Crazie•, Mördervampir, wallingfordjewels, Song Writing Maniac, and Bella. That's 10. :)
11. Have you ever played bloody knuckles? Never heard of it...
12. Have you ever caught a sockeye Salmon? Nope
13. Have you ever played funky angel? I could say not...
14. Tell us about your worst accident? ... I'd rather not 0.0
15. Rant about what ever you've been holding in? STOP ANIMAL CRUELTY AND HOMEWORK!
16. Do you like caroling? Not particularly.
17. Where do you live? In the Land of Eskän >:D
18. Do you like it where you live? YESH >:D
19. What was your most recent adventure? I slipped and fell on the ice and then when I whacked my head against it, I went to LaLa Land! >:D
20. Luke or Venator? Luke or Vader? Luke >:) Nya-ha
21. Do you like the Obama administration? HECK YESH! >:)
22. Dance par-tee or music brawl? 0.0 Whatsa... Music Brawl?
23. What Number is this? 23, it's labeled silly!
24. What is two + 2? vier >:D
25. Books or movies? BOOOOOKKSSS
26. What would you do to see wild horses? Ima go take Olivey and kill the ranger to see 'em, mwah-ha >:)
27. What is the best joke you can think of right now? At the moment?;
"Knock, knock Who's there? You ever hear the joke about the broken pencil? You ever hear the joke about the broken pencil who? Nevermind, it's pointless." |
28. Do you have a secret blog? Nope >:)
29. Do you know what a Granny beaded neck is? Not...Really?
30. PC or laptop? LAPTOP ALL THE WAY BABY! Mwah-ha >:D
31. Click 5 or Switchfoot? Switchfoot, I hafta say. I love that band >:) Nya-ha!
32. How many siblings do you have? That little devil child? Haley. That makes one (and a very EVIL one at that).
33. Do you have a favorite game? SOCCER! AND VOLLEYBALL! Nya-ha >:)
34. Name the rockiest Christian band you know: Pillar & Skillet, nya-ha >:)
35. What does J.O.Y. stand for? JOSHING is OVER YOUTHFUL (lol)
36. Are you a member of J.O.Y? Derr >:) Silly
37. Have you ever fell a tree with a chainsaw? Heck yes >:) For firewooooood >:)
38. Favorite song? Erm, I've got about a gazillion but I'd have to say FRONTLINE by PILLAR, nya-ha >:)
39. Insert funny/random picture here: Heya go! CLICK