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Monday, December 21, 2009

Emo Wolf Commish

Hey guys, it's getting kinda late here, so ima gonna make this a quick one. :)
Alrighty, (AGAIN) everybody in my school has been asking me how I draw on the laptop with a very hard application to function with. Acorn is hard too, but it's easier because there are a bunch of different layers you can add, and if you don't like something, you can just erase that layer.
Recently, I have rediscovered that app. Paintbrush. I had used this last year for some art that I had been playing around with and I totally forgot to download it onto my 8th grade iMac until just recently. It's a lot harder to use, but I guess it's more "artsy" because there aren't layers and you aren't allowed to add/change pictures around. You can only draw.
Here is an example of my art with Paintbrush;

((click picture above for larger version in a separate window - also better color quality))

Hopefully I'll be able to draw with a video recorder soon, but right now I'm having some difficulties so I'll post it when a I can.