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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Subaku No Gaara

私は昨日友達と一緒に日本語を勉強しました。Hey guys, did you like my Hindi post? I was trying some things out and Blogger's transliteration is really good! Well, if you want to speak and Indic language. But anywho, My nerdy-ness has kicked in once again. I have done a digital painting of Subaku no Gaara (私は昨日友達と一緒に日本語を勉強しました), also known as Gaara of the Desert.
Yep, and he's a wolf. Obviously. So here you are, comments: love them. Adios. Sha-bing, sha-bang, POW;

((Click for larger, clearer image))

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

व्रितिंग इन हिंदी

हेल्लो! राईट नो इ ऍम तल्किंग इन हिंदी। इ लव हिंदी व्रितिंग एंड इ थिंक आईटी इस बेऔतिफुल एंड अ बेऔतिफुल लंगुअगे! सो ठाट इस वहत इ थिंक अबाउट हिंदी!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Oops, Sorry!

Hey guys! I apologize for not posting for more than a week, but my laptop broke over vacation and I just got it back yesterday! I just thought I'd let you all know because I didn't know if you missed me or felt left out or... whatever. Maybe you even forgot about my blog momentarily?
Oh well, nothing we can fix now! But, again, I apologize. Alright, I have a lot to share with you but you'll have to wait until later! (I'm in English class right now!)