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Monday, November 30, 2009

New Moon Review!

     Hey guys! Saturday night I went to see New Moon. Don't worry, I'm not one of those screaming fan girls who had their New Moon book tucked under their arm wearing all of their Twilight close that they possessed. No, I am definitely not one of those people (they're more like things really, they'll maul you if you stand in their way of seeing the movie!).
     Anywho, Overall I'd give it a 4/5 stars for movies to keep watch for but if you compare it to the book it'd probably be a 3/10. Overall, pretty good graphics (I wouldn't say the best) and I really liked the wolves coz', you know lil' ole' me.
     Yep, and if you don't know what Twilight or New Moon are, then I suggest you start reading/watching them! Bai!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanks Giving is Giving Thanks

     The familiar scents and aromas of the yearly time of giving thanks. Yes, that cinamon apple pie you eat for desert or maybe the fresh roasted Turkey out of the oven that you will give thanks for before devouring it with the rest of the family. Ah, the veggies and family and joys and laughs. Good times, good times.
     Yep, you betcha'! It's Thanksgiving. Really, a lot of people just sit down and demolish their food while watching the 'Big Game' on the NFL channel and jus' relaxing. Some people go and by crafts to decorate their household for the one day of the year. Others may go out somewhere together as a family, but this time of year is for actually giving thanks. -Dramatic Gasp- Shocker! -Insert eye rolling here-

     Well, I'd just like you all to think - as you are reading this - that 'what are you thankful for?

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Poll Results!

     As it clearly (-insert eye rolling here-) stands, the poll of me answering an interesting question from the Bloggers of this Blog is a go. So, my friends, what will the rev. be about? This will show every 2 weeks because I have school, and us school people have homework... Day in and day out unfortunately. So, every 2 weeks will give me a good amount of time to do so to answer the question.
     I have to have a variety of questions to choose from so ask away! Remember guys, it has to be appropriate! We might have some younger viewers so keep that in mind. And silly is good! Silly, sill, silly!... I think.
     Oh, and sorry with the lack of posting. I was in a place without internet for a while and couldn't post. So it's not like I didn't want to, I jus' couldn't!
     Alrighty, so every two weeks I'll have a post for just questions, like this one! So, ask away!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Oh Boy

     It's one thing to agree on something, but when it goes that far it seems like some 3 second parody you can't shut your mouth about! Well, you see, in English today I had a laugh. I sit next to Rachel (I have since the beginning of the year) and let me tell you - it's fun! But yesterday Mrs. Trebilcock said there'd be a sub today in science (English room in next to science room) but we had no idea who it was.
     Then, we heard the sub's voice through the door today, looked at each other and came to a conclusion. Ms. Tank. That's what we said at the same exact time. Funny if you think about. I don't really like Ms. Tank because she calls one of my best friends stupid all the time (we tried to get her fired, but we just can't...) and she really kind of mean.
     All in all, it was just a funny moment I had to share with you!
     Anywho! It's Friday! Yesh, I love Fridays. Also if you read my fan fiction on FanFiction.Net then I'll be posting a lot more because of the looong weekend. Yep, can't wait. You'll probably find me at the nearest Borders & Music store as well. So for those of you who like going there and see me, feel free to say 'hi', I'd be happy for the company. If you don't see me, well, then I probably died in a pile of books that fell on me.... So if you could dig me out, that'd be greatly appreciated (like a swimming pool! 0w0 )
     Oh, and remember to vote on the by-weekly poll if you haven't already. Also, comments are loved - all shapes and sizes!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Lazy Daze Project

     Hi guys. You know what I've noticed? A lot of people are just on the computer all the time. "Oh look! Blogger! I think I'll go on!" and "Oh look! Facebook! I think I'll go on!"
     This happens to a lot of people. Now, every student in my school is given a laptop for the year. So, after doing their homework on it, they would rather go on Facebook or Myspace than go outside and be active. So I proposed, "what will happen if they keep on being lazy?". Well, you get fat. That's a fact of life with the exception of Olive Tree who could eat mountains of slow churned icecream and keep a maintained weight of about 87-95 pounds.
     I must admit I watch 'Biggest Loser' on t.v. every Tuesday night and I hear how all of those obese people feel about their weight and whatnot and then I say to myself, "wow, look at me jus' sitting on the couch watching them instead of doing it for myself!". And so, I've decided to get with it and be more active (especially during the winter)!
     So if you want to work with me, than take this and put it on your blog:


      What you do: Set a goal for weight loss (how much you want to lose) and make a plan on how you'll go through with it.
      Make a pledge: Make a pledge to help you reinforce your weight loss plan. Make a pledge and share it on your blog once a week (any day you want, just keep it consistent every week as well. So in other words - if you want monday, then keep it monday).
     Record: Record your weight loss and goals. Maybe even go for higher goals if you've accomplished them already!
     Eat right: Remember guys, healthy eating helps you lose weight too and it creates for a better, healthier lifestyle!

Thanks guys, and I hope you participate, I really do!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Szayel/Eskän Scan by Eskän

Hey guys, I've just finished a drawing of me and Szayel as a wolf. For those of you who have no idea who Szayel is, it's the pink haired guy that can be found in the upper right corner under "Eskan is..." or even in the header! Yep. So this is us as wolves. And yes, he is the pink wolf! And Remember!: Comments show love! So show some love - leave a comment!

((Sorry guys, this image doesn't pop up larger in a separate window when clicking on it...))
Oops, I guess part of his tail was cut off, huh? Well, that's the scanner for you! -Sighs- Yep, yep.


THE BIRD is a poem that I have just finished. We've been working on stanza in English class a and I wanted to make mine a bit, how you say, different. And so, here is THE BIRD. My inspiration was of coarse the envy towards birds that I feel. They are able to flitter so high, it makes me jealous. The only thing is, I have opposable thumbs! So hah!

In the sky is the flutterer, flitter and fly;
In night the birds drop down from the sky;
The aerie filled with feathers so soft,
But their dreams are of the stars aloft,
And the sun drowns the Earth.

Stanza poems are good and all, but I must admit they have an unusual touch to them. Also, for all of my followers out there, I have made and award for you! Here you are (I made this myself!):

Have a good day all!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Falling, Falling Down

My extravagant photo-taking, yes-yes. When boredom strikes, Eskän figures something out to do. Even if it's only grabbing her camera and taking random photos. Yep. Have you ever noticed that the leaves keep on fall, fall, falling on us? Falling, falling, falling on us. Yes, It's the truth. When it hits November here, all of the leaves on all the trees fall off within mostly one night, so in the morning you wake up to all these burnt orange, red, yellow and brown leafies on the floor of the Earth. It's really pretty, I say preferably on the ground then colored on the trees, because that way you have a closer look on the pretties.
Anywho, I especially like it when it's almost sundown, which is about 3-ish. So to get to the point, I got bored. And yes, I did just that. I took my camera and photographed my feet in the sun next to some leaves. And A bumpy-umpy-umpkin. Don't you love fall? When the leaves are falling, falling down? I absotively do.

P.s. ~ Do you all like my new header that I made? I'm so proud of myself for accomplishing it on my own! Remember: Comments are loved, so share some love - leave a comment!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Blog Header Decided

The blog header has been chosen! I have made my final decision! Also, I have uploaded a video on youtube of my drawing skills. Yes, you guessed right. I drew an Arcanine. Nerdy, right? But I grew up around Pokémon and therefore I can not toss them aside! They are adorable in many ways. Yeppers, truly. And so, I had put my ärt in a video form!

My Arcanine Ärt Video:

I know, boring, right? But whatever, it was the best I could do using my laptop's camera! So far, that's pretty good! Also, don't forget to vote on this week's poll! It can be located in the sidebar. And remember - peace (It's a very factor of life ;D )!

Header Poll?

Hallo, all. I'm in a bit of a jar here. You see, I can't decide which header I should use! So, I'm giving a shout out to the public and simply asking, 'which one?' Keep in mind: if you click on the image of the header you will see it larger (it's original size, actually) in a separate window.

1) Regal Anecdote

2)Floral FootNote Worded

3) Floral FootNote

So which header do you like the best? Really, I like the first two the best but some people find the extra wording kind of... How you would say, stupid. Or something like that. So please tell me which one you like the best! Thanks!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Meet Ninj

Hey guys (once again)! I'd like you all to meet Ninj. Ninj is my ninja cat and he is a beast. Warning: do not let his cuteness get to you. He is absolutely evil. Ninj is an alien ninja feline that has come from a far off planet (he's on a mission) to observe our human ways and find information about Earth. How do I know this? He told me.
Habits? He has a habit of...
1) Opening closed doors (yes, this includes knobbed doors as well).
2) Meowing back when you meow at him.
3) Eating his tail (he thinks it's yummy).
4) Eating your hand if you come too near.
5) Running around the house like a crazed ninja.
6) Hissing at annoying people (no, really, anyone I think is annoying - he hisses at them!).
7) Wagging his tail nonstop (not like a cat either, like a dog).
8) Rolling around in dust... No comment...
9) Running in his sleep (this is funny).
10) Flinching when I videotape him and only when I videotape him!
11) And finally: Posing for the camera and having battles with anything that moves!
Yeppers, Ninj is one heckuva cat I must say. Also, here are some poses he gave when I took pictures of him. I think he believes he is just one sexy kitty...Or something like that.

A 'lookin' down' pose!

If you look closely enough, he's actually smiling! 0.0

Ooh-la-la! Lovely eyes!

His paw...

And his adorable nose! I think he was sniffing the lense... (Wow, I must've not had my macro on! Holy blur!)

And now you have seen my adorable/evil Ninj of an alien feline! Mwahaha! Any comments on the matter will be shown directly to Ninj... After me... So please keep things Ninj appropriate! Thanks! And remember: R&C, Rate and Comment!

Guten Tag, All!

     Hey guys! The name's Eskän. Otherwise known as 'stumpie' or 'gostumpie' or maybe even 'chicachu'! The truth is, I started this blog out of the arbitrate of my heart. So, I'd like to get to know you all a bit by answering some common questions!

     What is this blog for? Well, you see, I haven't actually decided. I guess you'll just have to read the header if you want that question answered. But truly? I think this blog is for just about anything and everything. Yep, that's what it's for - everything.

     Who are you? I am Eskän (Essy/Essy-chan). This is my blog. I am a teenage girl who takes pride in all forms of ärt (yes, that includes anime if you are wondering) and I enjoy writing (anecdotes) and designing/etc. My ideas on things are always changing and so is my hair! One day, I might feel like being a hippie, the next Emo. I hope to become a Graphic Designer one day. Also, I have already taken the title of 2nd queen of Wierdisia, the palace of all things weird, so you cannot claim that title for that would be stealing. Another thing, I do not tolerate copycats! If you take something from this blog, then please cite it or give credit, thanks!

     Can I be a co-author? Sorry guys, but I'm not excepting co-authorities on this blog. :(

     Why can't I comment as anonymous? This is for safety reasons and whatnot. If you would like to comment, please get a blogger/google account. Also, if you enjoy my blog then I ask you to follow. It would be greatly appreciated. ;D

     Rules/Regulations? Please no trolling, annoying, vexing, nettling, disconcerting, unnerving, or harassing on this blog. It would be greatly appreciated if you did not. Keep things clean please!

Any other questions will be added to this post. If you have a question, then please feel free to ask!