私は昨日友達と一緒に日本語を勉強しました。Hey guys, did you like my Hindi post? I was trying some things out and Blogger's transliteration is really good! Well, if you want to speak and Indic language. But anywho, My nerdy-ness has kicked in once again. I have done a digital painting of Subaku no Gaara (私は昨日友達と一緒に日本語を勉強しました), also known as Gaara of the Desert.
Yep, and he's a wolf. Obviously. So here you are, comments: love them. Adios. Sha-bing, sha-bang, POW;
Yep, and he's a wolf. Obviously. So here you are, comments: love them. Adios. Sha-bing, sha-bang, POW;
((Click for larger, clearer image))